Wednesday, January 23, 2013


We heard that January was a slow month. We heard that the streets were usually dismal. We heard the girls would be far and few between. We heard that January would be quiet. We heard the weatherman continually forecast temperatures colder than the previous week. Jaime, Jeana, and I entered the month of January with the expectation that everything we heard about January would be different this January…….

Our leader has spent the month of January off the streets but in prayer and fasting over the ministry and seeking the Lord for what is to come. For the first time in eleven years she commissioned three of us to the streets without her physically present…. She has lead this outreach for over 10 years so you understand her surprise when she hears this January is not slow, the streets are not dismal, the girls are not far and few between, and the month is not quiet.

Twenty girls this week, nineteen the last, two dozen the week before… and the numbers increase. But it is not about numbers. The streets are not slow this month because the Spirit is active. The streets are not dismal this month because the encounters have been mind blowing. The girls are not far and few between because no matter how dark of a place you find yourself in the light attracts you and draws you near. We have seen our regular girls and we have prayed with a lot of new girls. Even girls who are still in the womb… one of our girls is 5 days away from her due date and when I laid my hand on her stomach the baby suddenly became an acrobat – she knew the Spirit. The first night out Jeana said God told her to buy cheerios, so she did…. While we were out Jamie felt like she was supposed to give them to a specific girl who then responded “I have an 18 month old and a 6 year old and they both love cheerios, thank you!” We have been able to pass out coats, scarves, gloves, and most importantly hope to more girls than we have seen since the summer.

I also could say it has not been a slow month because the spiritual warfare has been off the hook. The streets have not been dismal because every corner also has a man present guarding territory. This past week it seemed as though every girl we prayed with got a date immediately after. Satan thinks this neighborhood is his playground, but when you bring the Holy Spirit the devil doesn’t stand a chance!

During outreach Jeana had a vision that our car was leaving behind a trail of fire and then I had a vision of heating lamps… Jeana added that the heating lamps were the girls after we drove away from them, the fire of God was upon them and heat beamed off every one of them. The light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds darkness has always got there first – but once light arrives all darkness shudders…..and that is the beauty, my beloved.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My call to the abolitionists:

This week Jaime and I were in Kansas City representing All Worthy of Love at the Exodus Cry Abolition Summit. It was a remarkable conference and as cliche as it sounds it was life changing. It is humbling to sit amongst the pioneer abolitionists of our time and have the opportunity to learn from them and pray with them. I truly felt that we sat in the presence of warriors who have unwaveringly accepted the call to end slavery and without hesitation committed to bridge the gap of injustice and to fight for freedom. I truly felt that we sat in the presence of the next Moses', the next Abraham Lincoln's, the next William Wilberforce's, and in each seat I saw the eyes of leaders who have committed their lives to seeing justice. We, like those, are unwavering and irrevocably committed to this movement. During the summit Jaime and I were able to speak with Ohad from the Nefarious film one on one and share about All Worthy of Love and our hearts -- We will never forget Ohad's parting commissioning to us, he looked us dead in our eyes and told us "Never give up. Don't you ever give up on those girls". That is exactly what we intend to do, we will not give up.

At the same time this week a thousand miles away there were 60,000 people who gathered as a united generation to seek God. I prayed for every single one of you and that your hearts would break and move you to action. For some, this conference was the first they heard that slavery still exists. For some this was a confirmation of what your heart is already breaking for and to you I say stand firm your army is coming. For others this was a reminder of an evil that will only be defeated by an Army of believers. Here is my message to the 60,000 who attended Passion: Sex slavery is real. Human trafficking is real. It is in my opinion the greatest evil our generation knows. The enslaved are people, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, all made in the image of God. Each one of you are in a position to move forward with all you learned or to put the reality away in your journal for another year. Each one of you are being presented with an opportunity to do something about slavery. Each one of you are a voice for the voiceless. Now that you know, you are responsible. Do not let the last 4 days be an experience, but rather let it be an encounter. Let the reality of this injustice change your lives for good. Rise up. You, every one of you are needed in the fight to set the captives free, to loose the chains of injustice, and to be the light in the darkness. You, every one of you are integral. If you are in Christ Jesus you are the answer to injustice. You are needed.

But hear this, the enslaved need more than a casual prayer every now and then, the enslaved need believers to get on their faces day after day after day and to storm the gates of Heaven on their behalf. The enslaved need more than sympathy. They need more than apathy. Fighting sex slavery is war. Anytime you mess with a man's money you better be prepared for war. Prepare yourself. It will get ugly, it will be dark, it will be hard, and not every case will be successful in your eyes, but it will be worth it. Do not judge your own effectiveness. You have been delivered and now you are called to be deliverers. Do not give up on them. Never give up. Pray that God would cast out laborers into the harvest of sex slavery. Push the agendas of Heaven over the agendas of Hell. You do not play defense. You are a warrior. He that is in you is greater than he that is in this world. The darkness does not overcome the light. Jesus is the author of Justice and He came to destroy the work of the devil. Understand this, prayer is your first priority. Continue to educate yourself and understand the in's and out's of this catastrophic evil. The leading forms of sex slavery are pornography and prostitution. Silence is not mercy, it is the corruption of justice. Do not let your compassion for the task exceed your passion for Jesus.

Never forget that not long ago you were in captivity, you were in chains, you were in bondage, you were enslaved. Do not forget where you come from. Do not forget that it was a Sovereign, Holy God who picked you out of your captivity, your chains, your bondage, your enslavement and said 'Follow Me'. As Dan Allender put it, you will remain faithful to the degree in which you are in touch with brokenness. Rise up. This is your generation.

Also, pray for Benji Nolan and his wife Lauren as well as the entire team at Exodus Cry. This year they will be filming for Nefarious II and after hearing the vision I know for a fact this will change everything. They need your prayers.

We are back in Detroit empowered, encouraged, and equipped.
A warrior for Freedom,

If you want more information about Human Trafficking or what we do in Detroit, email me at or Jaime at - We are scheduling through June for informative teachings.