Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today is the last day is 2011 and I'm overwhelmed with a whirlwind of emotions, memories, thoughts, and more. 2011 has been a trying year yet overwhelming with power from the Lord. It's been a year of dependence. A year of good. A year of breakthrough. A year of growth. I am eternally thankful to have a Father who is omnipresent in my life. A Father who covers me in grace and finds me flawless in His perfect eyes. A Father who loves me in a way no one could ever. A Father who pours out grace and mercy. 2011 was a year of new birthing on the inside of me. I learned that I can fully depend on Him for anything and He will see me through everything.

I pray in a year I look back on 2012 and one would comes to mind, radical. I want to be radical this year. Radically chase after God. Radically seek Him and intimately desire His will for my life. I want to be radically obedient. Radically generous with love, grace, forgiveness, finances, time. I want to radically love the Lord. Radically read His word every day. I pray I radically live out His purposes on my life and radically fulfill His callings. I pray I radically yearn to be quiet and listen to His whispers. I want to radically transform my life to be full of praise and thanksgiving. I radically want to care for the lost, the broken, the orphans, the widows. I radically want to worship Him. Radically lay down my cares at His throne. Radically pray. Radically worship. Radically selfless. Radically open handed. Radically seek His will above my own. Radically get rid of selfishness and pride. Radically serve. Radically give. Radically adore my Creator. Radically seek a humble heart. Radically forgive others and seek forgiveness. Radically share my faith. Radical. I want to be radical.

I love my Father and I pray 2012 I show that love with my actions.

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