Sunday, February 10, 2013

two minute update.

“Are you sure you called the right person, God?”

That has been the question that has fluttered in my heartfor the last few weeks. It has been so long since I’ve sat down to take timefor myself. Honestly I cannot remember the last time I sat down to write. I’mcurrently sitting at my favorite coffee shop, drinking the best coffee inDetroit, Michigan and savoring these few hours to myself before the nextmeeting rolls in…

When All Worthy of Love (AWOL) first birthed I knew that my‘slow’ season would not last long. In January at the Abolition Summit I knew inmy Spirit that AWOL was going to explode, but I truly was naive to what theexplosion would look like.  It’sbeen 5 weeks since the Summit and I’ve had over two dozen meetings, filed forour non-profit license, meet with our Board of Directors (we have a BOD!!),established two mission trips, partnered with other organizations, received acommissioning from my own church as a missionary in the City of Detroit….andtruly the list could go on and on. I had no idea how the explosion of AWOLwould look, but I am consistently reminding myself that God is good and He isin control.

As explosive as things have been with meetings, partneringand speaking engagements those were merely just surface explosions. When we satdown with the leader of 70x7 and she asked if AWOL wanted to take over prostitutionoutreach beginning in April that too was just skimming the surface. The Lordhas great things planned for AWOL, plans that my human mind cannot comprehend. 

But, what my human mind can understand is that whatever explosion happens, God has called the right person and He is in control. All Worthy of Love belongs to the Lord and I merely am a vessel being used for something greater and bigger than myself.... and that is the joy in the calling, that the glory belongs to Him.

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