Monday, July 1, 2013

Rambled Heart Strings Part II

Before you go any further, if you haven’t read Rambled Heart Strings read that first and then come back!

It really is crazy how God works. His ways are so majestic and far higher than all we can think or imagine. Truly, we wrote that blog out of a broken heart that was deeply grieved by the loss of one of our girls but God works all things for the good for those who love Him. A friend of ours read our blog and was at her husband’s soccer game, sitting in the bleachers, sharing with another wife about what had happened and this blog. The other woman felt the story was too similar to a girl her brother use to date. It turned out this woman’s brother did date our girl ‘A’ and was able to get in contact with A’s sister which linked her family to this story. Did you keep up with all that?

Long story short – since Rambled Heart Strings was published Jaime and I have been in contact with A’s family.

We were super humbled to receive an invitation to attend a memorial gathering in A’s honor on June 30th, what would have been A’s 30th birthday. We weren’t sure what to expect because all we knew of A’s family life was that A aged out of foster care but her siblings were adopted.

Jaime and I were both really looking forward to spending the day with A’s family and celebrating her 30th. We were able to share with them the joy that we had during our last two visits with A and offer them hope. One of her cousins shared that we were the only ones who had contact with her in the last two years. This made us ever so thankful that the Lord put her in our path. He is so faithful to care for His children. We loved her dearly and appreciated the opportunity to honor her life.

When you read the statistics about youth that age out of foster care it is disheartening. Every year 27,000 youth age out and 50% of those 27,000 develop a substance abuse. It definitely gave the two us of a deeper desire of adoption and just how amazing that process is.

We released balloons in her honor with one hold balloon for her golden birthday, 30 on the 30th!
Relationships make all the difference, our girls are our family!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the follow up on A, and meeting with her family.
    This has really blessed me, as I knew her as a young girl.
